Already from every teapot you can hear the rules of wealth and recipes for successful success!

I understand perfectly well that we are all tired of this!

This course – 8 Rules of Wealth – is a completely different story!

These rules are written in my blood and sweat! I myself went bankrupt several times. And once I got really tired of it!

I realized that I was doing something wrong!

It was at this moment that one of the books by Robert Kiyosaki fell into my hands. This was a turning point in my life.

Since then I have invested a lot of money in my training! You have a chance to do it differently and take advantage of my experience, saving both money and time!

This course is definitely needed if you are ready to learn:

  • build a strategy to achieve financial independence;
  • control your income and expenses;
  • use the mindset of a rich person;
  • use 10% effort to get 100% profit;
  • receive money using the knowledge of other people;
  • feel financially independent 24 hours a day.

Imagine that your income has doubled. You began to live in an apartment that is 2 times larger than the current one. You have become stronger, healthier, learned to set goals and get what you want.

Imagine that you are surrounded by people who accelerate your growth and inspire you to new achievements. And your children study at the best universities in the world.

Does it seem like a fairy tale or the lot of a “special” caste of people? Nothing like this. This is the case with a person who began to live according to the principles of preserving and increasing his capital! This is a new science – the Science of Finance! And there are rules that you just need to learn. They are the ones set out in this course – 8 Rules of a Private Investor.
A series of video tutorials will cover the topics:

  • What is Financial Independence and Financial Freedom and what is the difference?
  • What are Liabilities and Assets and what needs to be worked on?
  • What are the 5 Commandments of a Private Investor and how to become a wealthy and prosperous person with simple actions?
  • What are Financial Plans and how to choose the best one for yourself?
  • What is popularly called Diversification: DO NOT keep all your eggs in one basket?
  • What is Investment Discipline and why should it be followed?
  • Why do people lose their capital and how to curb the greed and laziness that lead to ruin?
  • How does knowledge help you to preserve and increase your capital many times over?
  • Why and how are the capital of Professional Investors increasing?

Therefore, right now, take this valuable playlist to your Favorites and start doing new actions to get new results!

In order not to miss the latest news, be sure to click on the Subscribe button to my Youtube channel, feel free to turn on notifications and then you will always know what I know!


Taking care of your WELL-BEING, Andrey Khovratov, Genius of Finance

Get a complete understanding of the science of investing – the sooner you know everything related to this concept, the sooner you will get absolute freedom.

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