Dreams determine your future

Dreams determine your future

Greetings, my dear Friends!

I share this message with everyone who believes that the World is Beautiful and Abundant, to those who are imbued with the idea of ​​the New Economic Evolution of the World – NEEW.


In my last message to you, I said that we were on the verge of two epochs – the World of Regress and the World of Progress. The Old World is leaving, but it clings in every possible way to stay, and today, August 15, after yet another meeting on my case, I understood even more clearly: what is happening now did not happen in vain. Those “rose-colored glasses” that I had on were completely dissolved. There is a good phrase – do not make yourself an idol. And I observe how a huge number of people want to put believe in the Tsar-Father, or the Leader of the Nation, or someone else who will take care of their lives, and, thus, they themselves do not understand how they give their Lives and their Souls into the hands of the one who will keep them in check, and, as they say, the Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.


I have always said, I say so now and will continue to say that you are your own master, you determine your own destiny and are youtself the blacksmith of your own happiness. And wherever you are, you can be Light even where there is pitch darkness. Dreams determine the future of a person. The dreams of any society determine the future of that society. The dreams of any state determine the future of that state. And what I have said more than once, as can be seen in many of my NEEW videos – the dream of the People, and this can be our future. 90% of people on the Planet want to live in Peace and Prosperity. 90% of people on the planet want to live better and create benefits and usefulness for the benefit of all mankind. But there remain the 10% of society, those in power, who should serve for the benefit of the entire social development. But they are so accustomed to their places that the place where they are grows onto them, and they become a place and nothing more. They block progress, encourage outrage, lies, and prevent others from living in peace. But the good news is that their time is running out, they are like a passing period, and there is very little time left for their reign, because only Love rules the World. And despite the evil that broke free, Love will still win. Love creates high vibrations both in people and around us. Try to generate the Energy of Love around you, and this Energy of Light, Goodness will cover all the darkness, and there will be no places left where Love does not reign. The situation I find myself in tempers my Spirit and my Faith in the Righteous Cause, which I started back in 2011 by opening the Academy of a Private Investor. And September 15 will mark exactly 11 years since I bring education on Financial and Investment Literacy to the masses. On October 1, it will be exactly 8 years since I created the MLCI Business, and what is characteristic, this is the Business System of the 21st century, and the moment will come when not a single state will survive without this type of Business.


I’m reading the “Three Energies”  book by Rami Bleckt, where he describes what type of business will flourish in the 21st century. And what I started in 2011 and in 2014, and what we developed together with you all the way into 2019, and in 2019 we launched the Cryptounit program – these are the characteristic features of the 21st century Business, which is based on human infrastructure, and the Human must become the basis for development, and the development of everyone is developed by society and the state itself.


I observe how some heads of state when giving their populist statements use the Value of the New Progressive World, and such words and phrases as “Evolution”, “Progress”, “Man is the main resource”. However, the exact opposite happens. And when a person says and does nothing to come to these important factors of development. Then the Universe removes the life of such a person from the path, because they only hinder the development of progressive Development.


I believe that what we started with you in 2011, 2014 and 2019 will become the basis for the Development of the Future Development of the Progressive World. You are able to be the masters of your lives, you yourself determine your path. Only you can create your life the way you want it. You just need to dream and act.


Dreams determine your future, I will remind those who have forgotten the dream formula:

Dreams x Desires x Beliefs x Goals x Plans x Actions = Realization of all your dreams.


Dream and Act.

I love ALL OF YOU. 

Andrey Khovratov


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