Our budding team of young footballers

Our budding team of young footballers

They say that every billionaire should have a football team. I’m not sure if this is really so, but I also have a junior team of wonderful boys, whose sports endeavors I support.

Every day they get faster, taller, stronger, set ambitious goals and achieve amazing results!

I really want them to grow into strong personalities and unique champions with my support!

It is great when there is a material opportunity to contribute to the younger generation!

I decided to act through the physical development of children – it is thanks to sports the boys grow up organically and harmoniously. Sport develops, hardens not only the body, but also the Spirit, willpower. This is one of the reasons why I sponsor a kids football club. Children from 5 to 10 years old study there for free.

A team of young footballers under the auspices of Andrei Khovratov

The guys train and play in a very active rhythm – constantly training camps, training trips. They show excellent results, have many awards and cups!

I decided to move on and take another direction for youth development.

There are plans to create a “Station of Young Technicians” so that children 5-15 years old could go to technical courses, and also for free. So that children shall be engaged in relevant technical areas, could create our wonderful future, and could also invest in the development of the next generation.

Now this is a very promising area – we see robotization and automatization of production, in the service sector, in medicine, education and many other places. If we give children an opportunity to receive relevant knowledge and teach them to apply it technically, we will get a high-tech future many times faster!

Let us all want to be billionaires or millionaires, so that we could invest part of our funds in our children, and therefore in our future. After all, there is no such a thing as other people’s children, right?

Be Rich friends and be healthy!

Training of young athletes whom we support


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