The message. Part II. Trial

The message. Part II. Trial

Greetings, Dear Friends!

It’s been almost four months since we’ve talked live in India and via video conference. It feels like I have been cut off from the modern world for five years already. Dear friends, partners, colleagues, I am very sorry that we will not be able to see each other in the near future.

It surprises me that our modern world allows you to easily put a person face down on the asphalt, beat him up, put him in jail, having invented a case without any thorough investigation. As they say, “The case is sewn with a white thread”.

I was shown on three federal channels that accused me of deceiving people. It is difficult to convey how upset I was when I saw these reports on TV. I have always run an honest business and paid taxes.

Why am I writing all this? Earlier I published my first message on 30 pages of handwritten text. Let’s consider this the second part of my message.

We are all united by one goal, one ideology of the New Economic Evolution of the World. This idea has already been able to unite more than a million people from 187 countries of the world.

You and I understand how the modern economy and the world are covered with corrosion. Now is the time for trials.

The system of Regression does not accept Progress, which means that the NEEW idea may become another utopia. Or will this ideology become fundamental? Become the heart of the new world movement? All this depends on you and on me now.

This year we will be celebrating the eighth anniversary of the MLCI business, do you remember?

t would seem that where I am now should host the dregs of society, criminals, bandits. It turns out that about 60% of people simply should not be here. Many of their cases, like mine, are simply “sewn with a whitethread”.

There are many progressive people among them, and it seems that it is no coincidence that I am here too.

Historically, people who progressed and did great things, especially in Tsarist Russia, ended up in prison, accused of non-existent crimes. It is the same with me, there is no corpus delicti, but I was put in prison in order for them to break my spirit, so that I would abandon what has already been done and created. However, all this only encourages me to action and strengthens my faith.

The current situation strengthens my faith in our common Cause. While I am here, I am writing a book – “Evolution” – about NEEW. It is planned to be published in 6-8 volumes of 150-200 pages of handwritten text. I hope you have already read the first part “About the Progress System and the Regression System”.

“The best you can be in the MLCI business”

This book contains complete instructions and actions that need to be taken in order to become a President of the MLCI Business in 12-36 months and create a network of clients from 5 to 35 thousand people.

I also draw pictures of our Beautiful Future, where at least 15-35% of the population will switch to the progress system. According to my calculations, we should reach such a result by 2030-2035, and start aplanetary project related to ITT – innovative transport technologies.

And by 2055, according to my calculations, we must fully implement the “Space Way” Planetary Scale Project. By this point, “People’s Global Corporation” will be the most powerful on the planet.

This is one of the reasons why I want a truly fair development of society based on the principles of Democratic Sociocracy, which is in turn based on NEEW. And progress in this matter should be fundamental.

So, last time I ended up saying that in order for society to become truly progressive, people must come to the energy-information potential of Love, Happiness, Kindness, Health, Longevity, Wealth, Prosperity. They must become a magnet that will attract the same magnets and “magnetize” those who are not yet magnets.

And I described what is needed for this. The main thing is education and self-education. We should also teach this to our children.

Learning to communicate is important. This means you need to learn how to communicate. Communication is the basis of our “Genius of Finance” game training.

Thanks to the mass introduction of media, films, people stop communicating. It’s easier to strike at once than try to negotiate.

Countries are at war with each other, they cannot or do not want to speak and agree. Sociability is the most important moment in the Progressive Development of Society.

Once I took the “Red and Black” training. In this training, participants are split into groups of five, and small groups are combined into two large ones. The purpose of the training is to win. And winning is possible only if every member of the small group and all members of the big group win. Your victory is everyone’s victory.

What do we see in the modern world? In the Regression system, some are at war with others, neither heads of state, nor politicians, nor diplomats can find a common language. But there is an old proverb: “Abad peace is better than a good fight”.

If heads of state and diplomats had such training, I’m sure there would be far fewer wars.

You need to learn sociability, the art of communication, yourself and teach your children. Somehow I happened to study kindergartens in order to choose one of them for my son.

We came to a Montessori kindergarten, and a lot of attention is paid to the development of children’s communication there. Their system of education, recognized all over the world, understands how important this is.

The second volume of “Evolution” will be devoted to the fundamental principles on which sociability rests.

The second thing to start learning right now is the MLCI Business – Multilevel Network Marketing and Investment Base Development. These are the components of multilevel crowdinvesting.

The modern society in the system of Regression denies the MLM Business and the MLCI Business. In particular, in Russia, many companies that pay bonuses through a multilevel network are considered pyramid schemes. Of course, this is nonsense. However, there are also regressive associations in the West that oppose progressive MLM companies, especially if they are new, and call them pyramids.

At the same time, Direct Selling Associations have come up with some restrictions, they accuse companies of illegality, they are trying to regulate this market direction. Strange, isn’t it? Instead of teaching people to identify good companies, how to test companies, they, commissioned by MLM dinosaurs, denigrate normal companies, hiding behind the imaginary protection of people from scammers. But the MLCI Business is the most progressive one in the development of the Personality, companies, corporations, and entire states.

Here are the obvious benefits:

1. Financial growth without a salary cap.

2. Workfromhome.

3. Opportunity to spend more time with family.

4. Opportunity for family business development.

5. Work anywhere in the world via the Internet.

6. You are your own boss and director.

7. Personal development.

8. Financial and investment development.

9. Grow your business around the world.

10.Creation and growth of assets.

11.Opportunity to become a business angel.

12.Formation of own investment portfolio.

13.Passing on your business.

14.Participation in the development of modern technologies.

15.The opportunity to learn and become the head of subsidiaries or newly formed companies.

16.Obtaining a systematic high-tech education.

Add up the above and tell me which of the businesses provides so many opportunities at the same time? Therefore, the sooner a person comes to the realization they need to study the MLCI Business and become its participant, the sooner they will gain Wealth, Prosperity, and the sooner they will enter the system of Progress.

The MLCI business is the main driving force, the locomotive, the generator of the development of the NEEW movement. In the third volume of “Evolution” I plan to describe the benefits of the MLCI business and the features of its implementation in society in detail.

And now to the third education, which must be received today. We are talking about blockchain technologies that I never get tired of repeating. I am talking about how these technologies can influence the progressive development of the Personality, Companies, Corporations, States.

Everyone knows that Bitcoin has become the leader in this area. But today there are many other blockchains. It is worth remembering why blockchain technologies will become the technological basis for a fair and progressive development of society.

The benefits for both individuals and legal entities are obvious. They are

  1. Complete anonymity.
  2. Full openness.
  3. It is impossible for someone to block your wallets, accounts, accounts.
  4. Decentralization.
  5. Lack of central control.
  6. Transaction guarantee through smart contracts.
  7. Financial management in cryptocurrency.
  8. Manage different accounts, while in different parts of the world.
  9. Record keeping and transaction control.
  10. NFT technologies are applicable in almost any direction.
  11. Possibilities of DeFi technology or decentralized finance.
  12. Own cryptocurrency: family, corporate, state or decentralized.
  13. The development of the blockchain itself and non-stop smart contracts.
  14. Preservation of all existing records and distribution of information storage.

What other network financial technologies provide such opportunities? That’s right, none.

It is especially important that the transaction speeds in the blockchain are faster than any existing ones. Swift transfers, before they began to slow down, at best required four hours, and could take up to 36 hours to complete the transfer. Moreover, some financial institutions simply block user funds, which is virtually impossible in the blockchain. And the time for the operation here ranges from one second to 30 minutes. Even at maximum load, the speed will not exceed 2-3 hours. The more holders, the higher the level of security, and the faster the blockchain develops.

Blockchain technology is a guarantee of both personal financial development and the safety of assets, including pensions. The fourth volume of “Evolution” will be devoted to all the benefits of blockchain technologies.

Let’s move on to the fourth education that you need to get. This is investment education and investment development. Why is it so important?

We studied this at the Academy of a Private Investor. If you feel that the knowledge gained at API is valuable to you, then it becomes your responsibility to put it into practice and share it with loved ones and those who need it.

But here you should be as careful as possible. My biggest mistake was the lack of test questions after free courses. Passing such test questions would open up the opportunity to buy already paid courses.

There were several people who brought funds, did not buy anything, and went to the police as such, stating that I deceived them and took their money. The funds are still in their Personal Accounts, and the peopleaccusing me have slandered me and do not even want compensation for the lost funds.

So I advise you to tell those who are already imbued with investment development, who know and can talk about the

  • 8 rules of a private investor
  • First steps in private investment
  • Fundamentals of capitalization

If a person shows a desire to invest, but does not know these simple things, you simply do not need such a client.

The main thing in NEEW is the creation of investment-educated people, partners and clients.

A competent investment-educated society is the basis for the development of NEEW.

Illiterate people, who nonetheless want to become a part of the New Economic Evolution of the World, in fact, think only about great profits. And given that they simply do not understand how these profits are formed, their thoughts will very soon acquire a negative color in relation to NEEW.

That’s why 11 years ago I started with API – the Academy of a Private Investor. We must become investment pros if we want to live in the progress system.

I have listed four areas for education and self-development. They are:

  • Communication training.
  • Studying the MLCI Business.
  • Studying the development of blockchain technologies.
  • Investment development.

    Let’s move on to the main, most important process – socio-political development. Why do I single it out?

    Next time I want to tell about this development only to those of my adherents who are ready to make the NEEW ideology their life’s work, those who are familiar with the concepts of Progress, Justice, Honor, Dignity.

    It is with these people that we will have to create a socio-political movement that will have to defend the interests of those who are not indifferent to the future of our Planet, who are ready to develop in a civilized way.

    Everyone who feels the strength to defend Our cause and develop, creating a new, wonderful progressive society, will be invited to a special Telegram chat, where we will continue to move towards our goals together.

    Hug, love everyone, Andrey Khovratov is with you.

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