«Vedomosti»: about the place of artificial intelligence in the business of the future

«Vedomosti»: about the place of artificial intelligence in the business of the future

Modern business, including MLM, needs a certain course of development. The modern business is no longer comparable to what it was a year, five, ten years ago. If such a course is not chosen, classical business will inevitably find itself in a dead end.

A special place in development is occupied by the implementation of innovative technologies, software and digital innovations. Moreover, innovations are relevant both for traditional business and for network marketing.

If we compare the network then and today, then these are two phenomena with very characteristic differences. Now network business, with all its versatility and availability, requires the use of innovative, multifunctional, tools, automated programs and even the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI).

This is one of the reasons why specialists of the NEEW Consumer Community are engaged in the use of artificial intelligence and software. The result of the work is the creation of the Data Mining System and the uGain platform for business.

For more details on what a network business should be like today, and how innovative technologies can change the standard notions of running your own business, read the article in «Vedomosti».


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