Khovratov Andrey Fedorovich – the first people’s peacemaker general!

Khovratov Andrey Fedorovich – the first people’s peacemaker general!

Only a few become generals!

The best become peacemakers!

The chosen ones become general-peacemakers!

The most important thing in our life is Peace!

People used to enter a house with the words “peace to your home”. The guests didn’t say, “I wish you a billion dollars,” did they?

Based on the experience of the last bloody wars, humanity, ideally, should clearly understand – there will be no peace, – there will be no business, there will be no health, there will be nothing! Just a few decades ago, literally the whole world was immersed in hostilities, and, to our great happiness, humanity has survived, its values ​​have been preserved.

Modernity has created weapons that many times exceed the destructive power of analogues in the first and second world wars – in 20-30 minutes today you can completely end life on earth.

According to the laws of wartime, the most valuable thing was to capture or shoot the general. We have many bitter examples in world history – Yugoslavia, Syria, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

By virtue of their education, their position, exactly these people know the real destructive power of modern weapons and the most important military strategies. Therefore, gaining their knowledge or depriving the enemy of this important link is a great success.

Some statistics.

  • $ 2 trillion in the world was spent on production of weapons in 2019!
  • For comparison, the budget of Germany, the richest country in Europe, in the same 2019 was equal to 356 billion and 400 million euros.

If humanity were to spend these trillions of dollars on improving its life, on developing new medicines, on correcting the ecological situation, on developing economies, on improving life in poverty-stricken countries, the world picture would change drastically for the better!

  • On October 13, 2019, for the FIRST time, the grandiose awarding of the Title of General Peacemaker took place!

On the basis of the Charter of the International Public Association “Generals of the World – for Peace”, the title of General Peacemaker was awarded to the Creator and founder of the New Economic Evolution of the World program, the author and creator of the Academy of Private Investor, Chairman of the Movement “Millionaires of the World – for Peace” KHOVRATOV Andrey Fedorovich for his active peacekeeping activities , strengthening of Peace, Friendship and mutual understanding between peoples!

Andrey Khovratov became the first people's general peacemaker

The delegation of the International Public Organization “Generals of Peace – for Peace”: President, Major General of Police SKARGIN Anatoly Aleksandrovich and Vice President, Director of the St. Petersburg Police College YARUKHIN Oleg Vladimirovich presented KHOVRATOV Andrei Fedorovich General shoulder marks and awarded the highest award of the Unification Medal ‘Guarding the World’.

This happened at the EVENTI 2019 conference, which was held in the capital of India, New Delhi, at the Indira Gandhi Olympic Stadium, where more than twenty thousand people from fifty countries gathered on October 13, 2019.

We are sure that peoples all over the world want to live in harmony, without wars and conflicts! We are creating an actual platform for their unification and joint activities!

The goal and task of creating the Movement is to unite peoples, so that there were not a hundred or a thousand of us, but millions and billions of people interested and passionate about common cause. In this case, we will be able to influence the situation, work to ensure that people live in Peace and Harmony. This will be our mark in life, our contribution to the world!

We sincerely believe that in the next 2 – 4 years we will gather millions of peacekeepers from different countries under our banner, and we will implement our plans!

  • We will actively support the UN in creating Peace on the Planet
  • take measures to prevent terrorist acts,
  • do everything to reduce poverty in many countries by building NEEW, teaching financial literacy and other actions that, we hope, will be able to prevent the threat of a third and most likely the last nuclear world war.

The task is ambitious, but it has become doable thanks to the emergence of new opportunities for communication and interaction. The global network opens up those roads that were simply not available before.

On the website of the IPO GENERALS OF THE WORLD – FOR PEACE,you can register as a volunteer and a Peacemaker and help the development of the project by making membership annual fees ($ 5 per year if you are a Peacemaker Volunteer and $ 100 per year if you accept the policy and wish to be a Peacemaker ).

And by taking an active part in the development of the IPO GENERALS OF THE WORLD – FOR PEACE, you can receive a certificate of the Peacemaker of the Association Generals of Peace for Peace. Also, for Activists who are not indifferent to their Peaceful future, and who are ready to actively develop the Association in their regions and around the world, there is an opportunity to receive the ranks from Lieutenant Peacemaker to General Peacemaker. More details can be found by writing to an email of the Association’s website.


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